Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blind Dates, Broken Dates, Fire Trucks, and Starbucks

Let me explain...

No, I am not cheating on my husband, but I did have a "blind date" last night. We've been visiting churches, and a girl from FBC contacted me about a home Bible study she was going to be starting to see if Ryan and I were interested. We talked back and forth via email, and we realized that both of our husbands were out of town, so she asked if I'd want to meet up for dinner. I was so glad that she asked because I really haven't had many chances to meet people that live close to us. Since we haven't picked a church, and I'm still not working (more on that to come...) I have really been losing my sanity staying home! I'm out of money to shop with, I've decorated the house all that I can for the moment, and I've already learned my way around the area, so it's been a challenge lately. Not to mention, Ryan's job has been MUCH different than we thought it would be. So far, he has been out of town Monday through Friday every week since he started on August 1st. I see him on the weekends, and then he's off again. I shouldn't complain because at least he's not gone for 7 months and getting shot at, but it's still no fun. I was a little nervous about meeting a complete stranger for dinner. I didn't even know what she looked like! I felt like Meg Ryan in "You've Got Mail" when she sits at the table with a book and a rose on top of it...and then Tom Hanks sees that its her and stands her up. Yikes! Luckily, it wasn't like that in the least. We had a lot in common and conversation wasn't awkward at all. Whew!

So...I've been looking and looking and looking and looking for a job. I want something part time where I won't have to work weekends, and unfortunately that is ridiculously hard to find!! Anyway, my brother told me about a music secretary job opening at his church--30 hours per week, Monday through Thursday--PERFECT! So I got in touch with the music minister and sent my resume over. Well, last night on my "blind date", my new friend Chantel and I were talking about this job possibility and it turns out she and her husband are great friends with the music minister and his wife! So she was able to put in a good word for me. Small world, huh?!

Sorry, this story is so long and random, but anyway...I was getting ready to go meet Molly for lunch today when Andy, the music minister, called me to see if I could come interview at 2:00. Woo Hoo!! I was super excited...a little nervous...but mostly excited. I had to kindof rush lunch with Molly, but still managed to enjoy my tableside guacamole & tortilla soup...YUM!! So, I was driving to the interview, when I get a phone call...from Andy's wife. She called to tell me that Andy was stranded on I-20 waiting for a tow truck because his car had broken down. He didn't have my number because it was saved on his email up at the church, but luckily, his wife teaches with my new blind date friend Chantel. Chantel had my cell phone because we traded numbers last night, so she was able to call me and let me know that we had to reschedule. Crazy how things work out. If Chantel hadn't emailed me about this Bible study, and hadn't invited me to dinner, and we hadn't gotten each other's numbers, it would've been a big mess!

Okay, so bummer that I don't get to interview, but now I get to go shopping since I'm out anyway, right? So, I'm driving down 121, and I see something funny in the bed of the Dodge truck in front of me. I get a little closer and see that it's a flame. His truck is on fire and he doesn't know it!! I see the guy next to me speed up to flag this guy down and tell him to pull over, so while he does that, I call 9-1-1. I told them exactly what mile we were at and that the truck would be on the right shoulder. Anyway, the driver cut across 3 lanes of traffic, pulled off into the grass, and jumped out right as I see his truck go completely up in flames. It was engulfed with fire! I was so thankful that he jumped out in time! By the time I could pull over, it was too late to be much help, but I did hear sirens in the background, so I knew I had done what I could. SO SCARY!!

Well, I got safely home, and Andy called to reschedule the interview for 10:30 tomorrow (his day off) at Starbucks. Even better!! I'm praying SO hard that this is the job God had planned for me all along. It sounds almost too good to be true, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'd appreciate your prayers, and I'll let ya know what happens. Thanks for putting up with my very long and random story.


campers said...

loved the long random story!!! i hope this works out for ya! Sounds great! Not something where you have to buy $300 worth of uniforms :~)

Unknown said...

What a great story! So random, yet so perfect! Miss you! Love, Jen

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

hilarious!! let me know how it went today!!!

ThePoeFam said...

Fun story to entertain me this morning at little stinker was up EARLY for some reason!!! Got your message last night...guess it didn't do me much good at that point! :( I hope y'all had lots of fun...I'll call you later! And, can't wait to hear about the interview! Love you!

ThePoeFam said...

And, so true about the $300 worth of uniforms...that made me laugh, Thomps!

andydawn said...

What a crazy story!! What would we do without cell phones! I will be praying for this new job...keep us posted.

Tiffani said...

Great story…loved reading it! It is truly amazing how God puts new friends, jobs, etc in our life at exactly the right time! Nice work on calling 911 - what a crazy day!