Monday, April 28, 2008

The Letter Between "U" and "W"

My keyboard has suddenly decided it will stop typing the letter between "U" and "W". It just quit right in the middle of a sentence. Isn't that weird?! So, I thought it would be fun to do a post without that letter just to see if I could. I am going to need to use my imagination to come up with words that don't use that letter. And then after this post, I'll probably go to Office Depot and buy myself a new keyboard because this is really annoying.

Anyway, Ryan has been out of town for the past 2 weeks, and he called last night to tell me that he's finally coming home tomorrow! I'm really excited for him to get here becase I spent a TON of time working in the yard this weekend, and I want to show him all the new stuff. My sweet mother-in-law hooked me up with a Jeep-full of plants from her yard. That was nice and all, but it meant I had to come home and spend 6 hours Sunday afternoon planting all my new FREE plants...that I'm praying I don't kill! I don't exactly possess a green thumb. (By the way, I just had to use the word "possess" because I can't type the word H-A-(letter between U & W)-E... soooo frustrating!!!)

OK, I'm tired of this. I think I'll finish by listing some of the best things that use the letter between "U" and "W". I will use a * anytime the letter between "U" and "W" is to be used because it's getting annoying...

1. Cherry fla*ored *aseline (I MUST use it each and e*ery night before bed, or I can't sleep)
2. *alentine's Day (I know it's a cheesy holiday, but I lo*e ha*ing an excuse to be extra romantic!)
3. *odka with Cranberry Juice (my "signature drink" if I were to ha*e one!)

OK, it's harder than I thought to come up with GOOD words that use that particular letter. I can think of far more gross words than good ones, so here are a few off the top of my head:

*enereal disease
*ienna sausages (YUCK!)

Geez...who needs the letter between "U" and "W" anyway?!?


Kelby said...

great made me laugh
and as a seasoned drinker, and a huge fan of vodka, i've never tried the vodka/cranberry juice. i think i'll order that next time.

Laura said...

You are the funniest blogger. Seriously. If there is a contest for this, please enter. Your posts always make me laugh. Can you keep up the entertainment :)? LY!

Laura said...

You are the funniest blogger. Seriously. If there is a contest for this, please enter. Your posts always make me laugh. Can you keep up the entertainment :)? LY!

crazymom said...

funny post.! hope you get your puter fixed soon boo hoo. we miss you! cant wait for some more post,, w/ out the letter between u and w,, sooo funny

andydawn said...

so funny! I had to say my abc's to see what letter you were talking about ;) Ha (letter between u & w)-e fun planting and growing your free plants ;)

ThePoeFam said...

You're a mess! Keyboards aren't too expensive, are they!? ... Glad you had a great time at your retreat! When you're on the council, it helps with the 'cheesy factor.' I was happy to nix a few ideas! :) ... Heart you too! ... And, i sent you an email today and it came back to me. Did you get a new email address and I don't know it!?!? I was wanting to get plans set in place for our little girls me when you can and let's discuss! :)

carla's gateway said...

you nut!!! and a creative one at that! I sorta liked your educated can "possess" or "have".....still the same! Thanks for a nice respite on this Tuesday afternoon....time for a cup of coffee to recharge!

Jake said...

Definitely some words that I never thought I would hear, or read, from you! haha. I'm speaking of Vienna sausage of course.